I am officially a RN as of Sept 5, 2008!!!!!! I am so excited that I passed state boards. The last two days have been very stressful. You go through all of this schooling for 3 years and have to take this one exam that validates you to be an RN. Not that it is really a big deal to retake state boards, but you put so much preparation in to it, because honestly who really wants to go through it again. Evan was the first to find out that I passed and he seemed really happy he just kept smiling at me, I think it was because I was crying and he might have thought it was funny. I am happy to have passed and excited to begin my new career as a nurse. I start my job new job on the 22nd. I will be working at the new Clarian Arnett Hospital in Lafayette as a labor and delivery nurse. I can not wait to start this job, I wanted this so bad and am very fortunate to have been given this opportunity.
*This pic was from graduation on July 25, 2008*